Ellucian Banner SIS & ERP System

Ellucian Banner is ECU’s centralized Student Information System (SIS) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. The Banner Student, Finance, and Human Resource modules are used to support academic and administrative needs across the university, and the system serves as the system of record for the university’s academic, financial, and human capital management data. Banner is a vendor-supported, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software that is highly configurable for the needs of the campus. The software has web-based self-service applications for students and employees to manage personal and academic information, and a separate web-based user interface for administrative offices. These applications are accessible through PiratePort, the university’s web portal.

We welcome your questions and feedback to help us better serve the university’s enterprise information system needs. Contact me at stanleyd14@ecu.edu if we can help.

Doug Stanley
IT Director, Enterprise Information Systems

Banner Change Management

Banner is a cross-functional ERP system that serves the diverse academic and administrative computing needs of ECU students, faculty, and staff. It is of the utmost importance that the integrity of the Banner system and interfacing systems be maintained. The Banner Change Management (BCM) committee is charged with protecting the integrity of the Banner production environment; identifying, communicating, and prioritizing change requests in a way that fairly reflects change, impact, and urgency, and scheduling deployments in a way that minimizes conflict and disruption. BCM advises on changes that directly impact the Banner system, including third-party applications deployed within Banner, or so closely integrated with Banner where third-party system configuration changes would directly impact Banner.

View the list of BCM representatives.

Banner Access

Self-Service Access

Access to Banner Self-Service applications is automatically granted after a user’s student record or employee record is created in Banner. This typically occurs at the start of the term in which an applicant is admitted to the university or after the hiring process is complete. A user can use their PirateID to access Banner Self-Service applications to update My Information, view a Student record, Register for courses, view Faculty information, and view an Employee record via PiratePort. Access to the Finance Self-Service application is granted through the process outlined below.

Requesting Banner Admin Pages Access

Access to the Banner Admin Pages application is available upon request only. Requests are made using the Banner Security Request application available in PiratePort. All requests must be approved by the requestor’s supervisor and Banner module approver(s) prior to access being granted. Security roles are assigned according to the principle of least privilege which limits a user’s access to only what is strictly required to perform their job duties.

Reviewing Access

In compliance with the UNC Board of Governors policy 1400.3, which mandates user access controls for university data, ECU implemented a user access control standard that specifies that Data Stewards for information systems that house Level 3 or Level 4 data, as defined by the ECU Data Classification, perform semi-annual reviews of all users within the system, with an attestation that the review has been conducted. Supervisors of employees with Banner Admin Page access will be prompt semi-annually to review the access of their direct reports and to take action by either confirming the access is still needed or requesting access be revoked.

Removing Banner Admin Pages Access

An employee’s access to Banner Admin Pages is removed when their supervisor requests the access be removed, when the employee transfers into a new position within the university, or when employment is terminated.

Data Governance

The Banner system contains data classified as Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4, as defined by ECU Classification Levels. It is every user’s responsibility to protect university data in their custody. Sharing data classified as Level 2, 3, or 4 with external entities or ECU students, faculty, or staff not authorized to use the data is prohibited without Data Steward approval. ECU Data Stewards have the responsibility to manage, share, and report on data within their areas, and must give approval before you use or disclose certain data.

Learn more about University Data Governance.

Banner Test (BTST) Availability Schedule

To reduce the expense of non-production systems, Banner Test (BTST) and some connecting applications are only available between 6:00 am – 7:00 pm Monday-Friday. Employees with access to these systems should follow the instructions below to request an exception to the normal schedule. Requests should be submitted at least 24 hours (8 business hours) in advance and should include the name of the application(s), date/time of the exception, and a justification in the ticket.

Submit a ticket to the ITCS Linux server team and request an exception for the following applications:

  • AppWorx (Automic) Test
  • Banner Test Admin Pages
  • Employee SSB Test
  • Faculty SSB Test
  • Finance SSB Test
  • General SSB Test
  • Registration SSB Test
  • Student SSB Test
  • ePrint Test

Submit a ticket to the ITCS Windows server team and request an exception for the following applications:

  • PiratePort Test
  • Xtender Test
